Undeclared Majors

If you’re not sure what major to enroll in at Wilkes, join the club! Or more appropriately, 学业成功办公室——近20%的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学生在那里开始他们的学业 academic journeys.

学业成功办公室是“未申报”进入大学的学生的家。 majors. 这里有一位对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学院所有专业都了如指掌的顾问 亲自指导你做出决定,让你顺利毕业 in four years. 你也将有机会完成职业决策 course. 我们知道这个选择可能令人生畏,但记住:60%的大学 毕业生从来没有在他们的专业领域工作过,而且大多数学生都换了专业 at least once.

由于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的亲密气氛,你总是会受到个人的关注 you need to make informed major and career decisions. We won’t make the decision for you, but we’ll be here to help you along your path. You’re not required to declare a major until prior to the first semester of your junior year. At Wilkes, we’re happy 与您并肩工作,制定个性化的学习计划,并定制 a major that uniquely fits your interests and goals.

Career Study Plan

雇主通常对那些表现出广泛兴趣和能力的候选人很感兴趣 varied experiences. Our three-step Career Study Plan will show you a systematic, rational approach to your career path.


进入大学,并帮助开始确定专业领域和职业机会的过程. 在CAR - 101课程中,你将制定一份职业学习计划,这将帮助你规划你的职业生涯 college career and beyond. Your work on the Career Study Plan will bring you increased 自我理解,对自己可能感兴趣的职业机会有更好的认识 当你制定一个学术课程计划,你和你的导师将使用作为一个 guide to your course selection in the semesters to come.

你们推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜课堂内外的经历将永远影响你们 choices you make in all aspects of your life. So you can take best advantage of the 如果有机会,我们会花时间探索课程和课外活动 possibilities at Wilkes.

职业决策的组成部分的研究,包括个人的影响 goals, values, interests, and perceived skills. The practical application of theory 产生对深思熟虑和有效决策至关重要的信息组合.

It is common to make mistakes when choosing a major.

These tips should help you avoid some.

Narrow options to make a decision.
虽然缩小你的选择是绝对必要的,但有些东西是你需要的 to do first. 如果你还在上高中,或者刚毕业,你应该扩展一下 your options to ensure a good decision. Otherwise, you use a process of decision-making called, "satisficing." This term, coined by psychologist Herbert Simon, refers to 当我们发现一个符合的选项时,我们停止开发选择的过程 our MINIMUM criteria. Can you predict the result of such a decision-making process when applied to major decisions we make over many years? We become minimally satisfied with where we are.

Instead, use a process called "maximizing." Before narrowing your options to make 做决定时,一定要列出一个不断增长的职业清单,满足你的最低要求 criteria. 使用网上的兴趣清单,或者普通的旧纸和铅笔, with the help of a career counselor. At Wilkes, we offer a career course and advisors to help you with this process.

Listen to everything you are told.
作为一个孩子,你可能被引导去相信大人告诉你的大部分事情. That was 也许是为了保护你自己,但现在,这个建议已经过时了. For every 当你从某个职业的人那里听到负面的故事时,你会发现另一个 that is very positive. In other words, for every person who tells you, "Don't become 一个老师因为我讨厌它,你会找到另一个会告诉你他有多讨厌它的人 or she loves working with children. It is all relative. Should you ignore the advice of others? No. 这些小插曲可能是有用的,但你必须意识到,经验 一个人的决定不应该是决定一个如此重要的决定的最终因素.

Develop only skills you enjoy.
不知何时,许多年轻人失去了尝试新技能的乐趣. So when 到了决定未来职业的时候了,他们对自己的技能知之甚少. 有些技能需要时间来培养,但很多人只尝试了很短的时间, if they do not reach perfection, they give up. The stories of many high achievers 在所有领域都有很多失败的例子,一个,两个,三个,甚至 four times.

You don't have to be perfect. Give yourself a break. Try new things and fail. If you enjoy them, keep trying. How else will you discover your potential skills?

主要集中在与你未来的专业相关的课程上,因为它们 are more important.
Among the most common mistakes. In the field of career decision-making, there are 很多人从良好的通识教育中获益的例子 some call it a rule. The common courses that Wilkes and other universities develop 对于他们的学生来说,往往是学生从未有过的机会的基础 considered.

你的主修科目为你提供进入大学所必需的背景和证书 很多职业,但你的“博雅”教育能让你获得晋升 and make you a major contributor in those professions. Ask any high achiever.


Most college students have made their career decisions.
许多未申报的学生认为他们是唯一的孤独,优柔寡断的人 can't make up their minds. From Wilkes' perspective, the undeclared major represents one of the fastest-growing academic programs in higher education.

未申报的专业在学术项目中名列前三,而且更多时候是第一 selected at the Wilkes University orientation. When we add the number of students 谁在大学一年级时换专业,有多少学生 express uncertainty about choosing a major greatly increases.

选择职业很简单:选择包含这些活动的职业 you most enjoy.
我们不断发展新的兴趣,尤其是上大学之后. 尽管我们大多数人得到的建议都是简单地选择一个职业 be "enjoyable," few jobs are actually "fun."

对与职业相关的活动更有用的描述是“有益的”." 大多数人会再次选择同样的职业,因为他们得到了 从他们面临的挑战和要求中获得高度的满足感.

One career is "right" for me; I just have to find it.
There is no evidence of this. Many careers will meet your minimum criteria. Thousands of careers are recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor, which means there are many you have not considered yet.

If you keep going to school, your career decision will become evident.
虽然继续接受教育是一个很好的决定,但仅仅接受教育并不能做出决定 clear. 你必须花时间为这样一个关键的决定制定一个计划. Here 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,我们教未申报的学生如何制定计划,我们挤出时间 for careful decision-making.